Sunday, June 10, 2007

Catching up

It has been entirely too long since my last post. We've wrapped up the school year, with the exception of some testing that we are currently working on. S and D are spending their days at a local Y daycamp and DK is commuting to Asheville on business alot unfortunately. My 15 year old niece, L, is staying with us for the summer. She is a tremendous help and baby J just adores her.

Unfortunately the kitchen flood that we experienced 2 months ago ruined the kitchen floor and subfloor, causing the complete destruction of our kitchen. (Cabinets, sink, counters...everything got ripped out!) So for the moment we have no kitchen at all, save a fridge, microwave, and toaster. (No, not even a sink!) I'm now on a first name basis with the contractors.

We are also helping my dad get his house ready to sell and L has been a huge help there too. hopefully that will be all wrapped up in a week or so. I hope all this mess will be wrapped up, and I can relax a bit this summer!!